As we head into the end of 2017, there is no better time to start planning for January and how you can bring in dozens of happy new students through those studio doors. New Student Blitz is a brand new FREE 2-week training specifically for dance studio owners to ensure you grow your numbers in January and set yourself up for your best year in business.
So how exactly are we going to do that?
The first step is simple, and also very fun: we are going to help you ‘Hatch Your Hit Hook’.
We are going to find out:
- Who is checking you out? – Generally, this will be your ideal student or parent so you will be designing and targeting your marketing toward a very specific group of people through your design, imagery and content.
- What do you want them to do? – Every single piece of your marketing should have an objective. When they click on a specific page on your website or a picture on your Facebook page, what is your objective for that content? Is it for them to call you to book in for a class? Is it for them to register for a trial? Whatever the objective, ensure you have one!
- How am I going to get them to do it? – This is about standing out from the crowd and Hatching Your Hit Hook.
To start 2018 on the right foot, one of your first goals should be to have more people clicking on your social media ads, picking up the phone, trialling a class and then ultimately enrolling into classes.
Blitz Tip: One big mistake a lot of studio owners make with their marketing is that they cater for their existing dance families, and not necessarily at new potential students. The objective is to bring in and collect the contact details of these potential new students, so you want to ensure your website, Facebook Page and Instagram profile aren’t cluttered with recital or concert information, student announcements, overdue fee notices and more information that a new parent or student doesn’t need to read – information that just distracts them or leaves them overwhelmed and unlikely to even reach out and enquire.
Who Is Checking You Out In 2018?
The first part of standing your from your competition as the only choice for potential dancers and their families, we need to find out who your ideal students and parents are. These are the people who are going to look at what you’re offering and think, ‘Yes, that’s exactly what I’ve been looking for!’
When you have clarity on your ideal students for specific classes, you can create a laser-targeted marketing and engagement plan with messaging that’s extremely relevant for them – which will increase your inquiries and overall enrollment rate of new students.
As a studio owner, there are four main things you should to consider when creating your ideal student profile for your 2018 marketing plans:
1. Student
2. Age
3. Class
4. Parent
The first, of course, is the student. You then need to decide which classes the ideal student would fit into, and last but not least, work out who your ideal student’s parent is. As we know, a five-year-old is not taking themselves off to dance class or paying the bills, so we need to focus our marketing on their parents or grandparents.
Ideal Student + Class = Relevance
When you partner your ideal student with the appropriate classes, you create relevance and this is crucial for boosting your inquiry and enrollment rate. You want to ensure that the student you’re targeting sees an advert or receives a piece of marketing and says, ‘I want to try that!’
Class + Parent = Value
When you group the relevant class with your ideal student’s parent, you create value. A parent will recognize the relevance and then support their child in their decision to start taking a class or classes with you.
Student + Parent = Commitment
Finally, when the student and the parent are on the same page, you create commitment. Again, commitment from the student and the parent is crucial to help both parties when exploring what becoming a student with your studio would be like.
Join us inside our brand new FREE training: New Student Blitz which kicks off on Monday, December 4th, and discover how to create an irresistible offer that your ideal students and parents simply can’t resist.


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