In this Episode #10, our guest is Adam Franklin. Adam is an international social media speaker and the marketing manager of Blue Wire Media. He is known for providing business owners with web marketing strategies that work time and time again. He is a regular writer for Startup Smart and occasionally contributes to Smart Company, Sydney Morning Herald, and the radio station 2UE.
Adam’s philosophy on online advertising is, ‘build a web marketing asset as opposed to paying for advertising because the advertising depreciates quickly and it keeps reaching into your pocket.’
In this Episode, you will learn more on:
1. Having a website – how crucial it is to have one.
- The need to have a website
- Non-negotiable elements a website should have or shouldn’t have.
- What is a Landing Page?
- Why a Landing is so important to your website?
- What is a Flagship Content?
- The importance of educational content
- How to work with your sales funnel?
- Identifying your buyer personas
2. Breaking down Content Marketing
- What is the process of creating a first piece of content
- Start with something that is so valuable
- Concrete examples in crafting content marketing
- Practical steps on how to build a web marketing asset
3. Search Engine Marketing
- Advantages, perks, and disadvantages of SEM
- Investing in sustainable content
- How SEM may work for dance studio owners
- Why being ‘the authority’ is key to SEM?
- Step by step explanation on how SEO work?
- How Google Adwords works?
- How Google matches keyword phrase search to your content?
- What’s should be your content so that your website will appear to people’s search
- What is a backlink? How to build backlinks to your website?
4. Plus bonus tips on how to upscale your social media campaign
- How to build engagements to social media platforms?
Links and resources in this episode:
- Book – Web marketing that works.
- Twitter – @franklin_adam
- Thirty three free marketing templates with the book
Discussion and Key Notes:
a. On Landing pages
A page where somebody can come to your website and download a piece of content for free. That piece of content should be so valuable that people would be prepared to pay for it if you ask them but you’re actually giving that away for free in exchange for somebody’s contact details.
Why important? – You have provided a way to stay connected with that person visiting your site.
Flagship content – that is something that you are known for, you actually give away so that people can really try before they buy.
b. On Sales Funnel
At the top of the funnel most people when they’ve got a problem or challenge, they turn to the internet to look for information, and that’s actually 75% of people on the web are looking for information and once they have hopefully come to your site, read your free blog content, downloaded your premium content, then you’ve helped educate people and make informed decision as to whether or not to buy your service.
c. On Educational Content
We expect people to make the massive leap from not knowing who you are all the way through to hitting either the contact us button or the buy now button without baby steps in between. And the way you take those baby steps is by providing free valuable content to people who visit your site
d. Identifying your buyer personas
The fundamental thing with marketing, our job as marketers and business owners is to help people solve their problem—understanding which people you can help. You must be specific – not the idea of you can help everybody because it ends up you did not help anybody.
First step in marketing strategy is to clearly understand and define who your ideal buyer is – a buyer persona or target market or ideal customer – you should be describing a specific person or persona. In terms of what challenges or problems does this person have and what are their aspirations.
e. On Content Marketing
The process of publishing information, content onto the web so that your buyer personas can find it, self-serve and read the content or watch the videos and educate themselves, and hopefully the right customers will be able to slowly take steps closer and closer to your business to the point where they’re ready say, I’m ready to pay you money and become one of your customers.
f. Search Engine Marketing
It is typically Google Adwords so when you do a Google search, on the right hand side you’ve got the sponsored links and then you’ve got in the main section the organic results. 80% people will click the organic results and the remaining will click on the sponsored links or the adverts. And the way that works is you basically you write an ad and pay to Google an amount everybody somebody clicks on this link.


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