Today I’d love nothing more than to share with you some of the old school ways of marketing that are still working today.
We know there’s a couple of things that are dead.
Newspaper advertising, dead.
Most flyer campaigns, dead.
BUT there are still a handful of strategies that were working many, many years ago, and are still resonating with your ideal dance families today.
Number one is promotional gifts.
Let me give you a couple of examples. The first one is, when a new student enrolls, what do you give them?
Now if you’re in the Studio Success Formula Mastery program, you already know that we have a step-by-step formula that we walk you through.
A great example is a T-shirt, or a tank top, or a backpack, or a drink bottle. Something that your student can use over and over. They can take it to school, they can wear it to the mall. They’ll obviously bring it to dance – and in all of these circumstances, it is great advertising for you.
It also makes the student feel really, really special.
To make sure you’re utilizing this marketing option, jump on a website like AliExpress, where you can order popular items in bulk at a low cost price (and crazy-cheap postage!).
Another great option is to approach your local supplier where you shop for promotional items, and see what they can do for you onto.
It’s a simple but powerful old-school way to market, and it makes the customer feel super special, which is the #1 goal in attaining your customer loyalty.
Tip number two is getting involved with your local shopping mall or shopping center.
Setting up a booth or a stall near a hub where there’s lots of parents and their kids are going – for example, supermarkets and grocery stores are perfect for this.
The best part?
We’ve tested it out for you 😉
The places you want to be is where moms are going to buy groceries, and where they are doing their shopping for the week.
Step 2 is to make sure that you set up a visually attractive table or booth where you’ve got some of your senior students there, or trusted team members with shining personalities. You don’t have to be there BUT I would encourage you, if it’s your first one, that you’re there.
During the days that you’re there (maybe a weekend, or during the holidays) is you want to enroll people into an offer, and then get them to your studio.
Do not give up hope when it comes to shopping centres and malls because they are working so well if you are doing them correctly – engaging potential clients and giving them an irresistible reason to contact you again to trial a class.
The last thing that I want to share with you today is, build relationships with the local businesses. This is so easy and cost-efficient, yet people think it’s so difficult because there is an investment in time and energy.
It may help to look at things this way: yes, you can get you a lot of students with a really great Facebook ad campaign…it’s going to cost you a little bit of money though.
What we so easily forget is that by nurturing partnerships and strategic relationships in the right way with other local business owners, you can become the go-to studio in about 12 months time.
I am so serious with this because we’ve seen it with our Association members, and with our members in the Inner Circle and in our Studio Success Formula Mastery program.
If you put your attention on strategic partnerships with local business, and going in to give them something before you ask them for something, you’re going to get so much in return.
Not only are you going to build your studio but you’re going to form a really great group of local business owners that are going to get and understand you, that you can go to for advice.
Don’t forget about building relationships with those local businesses.
For more training on growing your dance studio into the business of your dreams while getting your life back outside the studio walls, make sure to join us in this month’s FREE training, January Jumpstart 2018 For Dance Studio Owners.


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