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Owning a dance studio is very different to running almost every other type of business you can think of!
That’s why every day this week we are hearing from studio owners worldwide who are running successful businesses while enjoying their life beyond the studio walls.
Making the leap from dance teacher to CEO may not come easily for all studio owners, which is why Meaghan from Expressions Dance Studio is here to share her biggest tips as well as her biggest wins when it comes to leading an exceptional dance studio.
In this podcast
Meaghan Dickert reveals the ups and downs of her unique journey in owning her own studio, and how she turned one of her biggest losses into her greatest strength. Meaghan has developed herself to be a successful CEO of her own dance studio and is passionate about being true to her values and beliefs and helping others do the same.
Meaghan opens up about:
- How to define and live your values in your studio (and have your team and students do the same)
- Why it’s important as a studio owner to balance your ego with the needs of your business
- Tips on how to make your studio stand out as somewhere different and special for all
She also shares the heartwarming details of her biggest wins and triumphs as a dance studio owners.Click here to download our FREE Dance Studio Roadmap – 6 Simple Steps That Will Ignite Your Dance Studio’s Growth While Allowing You To Get Your Life Back
Learn more about Meaghan and her studio at
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About Us
The Dance Studio Owners Association is for studio owners who are ready to commit to building their dream studio through taking consistent action while accepting guidance and advice. It’s for new studio owners and experienced studio owners alike. No matter what stage you’re at in your business, you’ll gain valuable information to take your studio to new levels while becoming a go-to studio in your area.DSOA members also have exclusive access to some of the greatest minds in business through our expert masterclasses, one-on-one mentoring through our member makeover experience and a monthly Q&A session that directly answers all your pressing questions about being a Studio Owner.
Our association is a community. It’s a community of dance studio owners who have seen what Clint has not only produced with his own studio but his Studio Owner clients and program members over 6 years. They’ve seen the results and they want to be a part of the action!
For more on the Dance Studio Owners Association check out our website or visit our Facebook page


11 Step Checklist
To Double New Student Enrollments