The 90 Day Challenge That Will Change Your Studio

Can you imagine what your studio would look like if you achieved 12 months’ work every 90 days?

Perhaps you already have a solid system for business planning every year, but chances are that setting real goals and dedicating time to putting plans into place for your studio is rushed, becomes ‘ongoing’, overlooked or pushed down your list of priorities when life starts getting in the way.

But did you know that committing to writing a plan for your business is the first critical step in moving your studio forward into the profitable and sustainable business you pictured when you first opened your doors?

Put simply – you NEED to dedicate real time to set achievable goals in order to get there, and this is where your 90 Day Planning Sessions are going to take you over the line and give your studio the makeover you both deserve.

If you don’t feel completely overwhelmed, that is, which is exactly why we are here to help!

To get some much-needed clarity around your own 90 Day Plan, we have had the pleasure of chatting with Goal-setting Guru Louis Van Coppenhagen to find out how YOU can get the most out of this challenge and start setting the right goals for your studio.

Louis is the director of Coppenhagen Advice and runs goal-setting workshops to help business owners understand the importance of setting clear and achievable goals:

“Goal setting is important because of the way our brains are wired, specifically the Reticular Activating System. Our brain filters out the information it thinks is not relevant. When you set yourself a written goal and review it regularly, you program your brain to be on the lookout for opportunities that will progress you towards the goal. Without the written goal, your brain is not programmed to get you to your destination.”

Like anything in your studio, however, planning can (and will) go pear-shaped very quickly if you’re not approaching it in the right ways for you. This happens so often for studio owners and their teams who may fall into traps of thinking too big, too small, by trying to do too many things all at once, or – as Louis highlights – by being too afraid to come out of your comfort zone:

“One huge mistake is around fearing failure. The mistake is to let fear stop you from taking action, or stop you setting goals that are big enough or stretch you enough. I try to tell people to expect failure, and try to fail as many times as you can. Every failure is just discovering a way your plan doesn’t work, so learn the lesson and then try the net strategy. If you’re failing often, it means you are taking actions that the dance studio up the road is not doing, and you’re gonna get so much further ahead.”

Now back to that nasty Overwhelm that we know so well.

If you find goal-setting, planning and implementing is a oneway ticket to Frozen-Ville or Procrastination-Town, Louis has one simple solution for you to combat your overwhelm:

“Overcome overwhelm by recognising what level of goal setter you are. It’s easy to get carried away and set heaps of big goals, but if this is your first time setting goals then I say you’re a “level 1” goal setter and you should only have one or two goals that you’re working on for the coming 90 days. Using a Warren Buffett approach – select your top few highest priority goals and put them on your “to do” list. Then take the rest of your goals and put them on your “avoid at all costs” list. Your secondary goals for your dance studio can so easily become distractions”

Once you have set your big 90 Day goals and put them into a plan (with deadlines) that you look at every single day, the final and most important piece of the puzzle is to…


If you’re wondering HOW you can take real action and implement what you need to in order to smash your goals while also fulfilling on your family and non-business commitments, check out the hot tips from real-life business owners who swear by their productivity hacks:

Kate Toon – Copywriter, SEO expert and author of Confessions of a Misfit Entrepreneur – “I use the Pomodoro method, dividing my day into 25 minute chunks with 5 minute breaks. I then break my jobs into 25 minute lumps. It means I get a lot done in short bursts. Obviously it’s not sustainable day in day out. But I use it for the first 3 or so hours of each day, then take the pressure off by the rest of the day. I reward myself after 25 mins with a quick check of Facebook”

Cathy Topping – Owner of Your Web Toolkit – “I’m a big fan of scribbling all the extra ideas that come up into a notepad, that I then set time aside to work through and either add to my mix, or chuck away. And I schedule in procrastination. So I allow myself time for Facebook, fiddling with emails, making a cup of tea – and that’s its own time-slot.”

Rachelle Rohner – Owner of The Happy Me Shop – “For me it’s all about being honest with myself. Planning. Reviewing. Adapting. Accountability. Being realistic. Having brainstorming sessions. Working from a strengths based model (e.g. don’t have a goal to “lose weight” but set a goal to enjoy life be active and play tennis once a week cause you love it). Keep Learning and trying. Ensure I am taking care of myself”

Leanne Woff – Virtual Office Assistant at Virtual Infinity – I look at the time I have available and what I want to achieve in that time. Prioritise the tasks into a long list, of most important to least and follow that order! Before you start the tasks, have a think about HOW you will do each one, what is involved and what you want to include Then start smashing through them! Make rules. No Facebook, No EMAILS. No Phone calls.

Jinny Coyle – Creative director at Enterprise by Design Custom design your planner to suit you. After trying a ton of online planners I’ve gone back to pen & paper. I print out my week to a page & have it in a folder close at hand. Coloured Highlighters are my bestest friend. But my #toptip is to use coloured post it notes for tiny, quick to do’s like ‘make an dentist appointment’. When it is done just throw away the post it. This tricks my brain into thinking my to-do list is not as long as it is!

Take these on board and you’ll be all set for the next game-changing 90 Days in your dance studio.

If you would like to be part our exclusive 90 Day Planning Challenge specifically for Dance Studio Owners and enjoy 2 full weeks of live training and support from Studio Owner mentor Clint Salter to kick things into gear, join the Dance Studio Owners Association today.

Doors close on Sunday night with our training kicking off in full speed on Monday.

Click here to sign up for the DSOA 90 Planning Training.

For more information on goal-setting coach Louis Van Coppenhagen, make sure to check out


Huge thanks to the business owners and entrepreneurs who shared their productivity hacks with us – make sure to check out the great things these ladies are doing:



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