By now you probably know how much I am obsessed with making things as smooth and simple inside your studio as possible – most importantly in your admin tasks – which is why I thought I would share with you this gem that you and your admin team can use every single day.
Rinse and repeat.
It’s my ‘email inquiry’ template for dance studios that I have perfected over the years, and that YOU can add to your saved responses so that each incoming inquiry can be responded to quickly and comprehensively without having ‘does this sound ok?’ or ‘does this make sense?’ doubts in the back of your mind.
Another reason why this works so beautifully and converts more inquiries into students than ever before is that it also contains one of my favourite Marketing ‘Easter Eggs’ (or hidden extras, if you prefer).
Yes – look closely and you’ll see the Irresistible Free Gift (IFG) tucked right in, which will take any doubts out of your potential customer’s mind while you hand them something of value for free.
— Your new client inquiry email template —
Dear [insert customer name],
Thanks so much for your email, it is great to hear from you!
We’d love to provide more information about what’s on offer at [insert your studio name]. One of the hallmarks of the team at [insert your studio name] is to find the ‘perfect fit’ when it comes to a dance class or style for each and every student – and I would be happy to extend this invitation to you as well.
We would love you to experience what it’s like to share our love for dance so here is a FREE 7-day class pass to [insert your studio name], valid until the end of this month. To use the pass, please visit us before the end of the month and show our friendly office team this email, or simply call us on [insert your studio number] to book your place.
If you have any questions regarding the 7-day class pass or would like to sign up for a specific class, please call our team on [insert studio number] or contact me directly by replying to this email.
I have also attached to this email our current timetable and fee information for your convenience.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Yours Sincerely,
[your name and studio]
Feel free to use this word-for-word, or customize as you need. You can change up your IFG to something that best suits your studio, although the 7 Day Pass is a proven winner.
I would love to hear how this template works for you and your studio, so make sure to get in touch once you have put it into action!
For more resources, support and templates to help your grow your dance studio (while giving you your life back), join our community inside the Dance Studio Owners Association.


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