

Why can't they find you?

March 4, 2018

Does it ever feel like your studio is invisible? You see other studios in your area seemingly drawing students through the doors by the busload, but for some reason getting seen is…


Coping With Copycats

March 1, 2018

Increasingly in these days of social media and constant communication, you’ve probably come across people ‘copying’ your work. You may have seen replicas of your costumes or choreography pop up onstage at…


Old-School Studio Marketing That Still Works Like A Gem

February 1, 2018

Today I’d love nothing more than to share with you some of the old school ways of marketing that are still working today. We know there’s a couple of things that are…


How Running A Dance Studio Is Like Saving Starfish

January 16, 2018

By DSOA Studio Growth Coach, Jane Grech. Let me ask you a question. Can you tell me the name of the last 5 winners of the Nobel Peace prize or the last…


Transform Your Studio Into A Lean, Mean, Sales Machine

January 15, 2018

By Dance Studio Growth Coach, Kristy Ellis Have you ever broken down your dream financial goal into smaller amounts? It sounds simple, but bBreaking down your sales and financial goals will help…


Why Create a Culture of Care? (and how to protect it as you grow)

January 2, 2018

By DSOA Studio Growth Coach, Jane Grech. When I first started my studio in one of my main focus points was to create a special place where caring for people was a…


Feeling Festive? Ways to embrace the Christmas Season at your Studio

November 28, 2017

By DSOA Studio Growth Coach, Jane Grech. Acknowledging the change of seasons and associated festivities is a fun way to build community and morale within your dance studio. It’s a busy time…


Fill Your Classes in 2018

November 24, 2017

As we head into the end of 2017, there is no better time to start planning for January and how you can bring in dozens of happy new students through those studio…


It's Time To Celebrate YOU

November 20, 2017

By Dance Studio Growth Coach, Kristy Ellis Celebrating traditions and milestones within your business is key to building positive morale and motivation within your team. Traditions are powerful in business – just…


The Truth About Dance Studio Ownership

November 14, 2017

It’s funny – there are a handful of words that I continue to hear over and over when I’m chatting with dance studio owners who share how other people would describe them.  …